A lavish psychological thriller written, directed and produced by Emerald Fennell and starring Barry Keoghan, Richard E Grant and Rosamund Pike. Another fabulously sumptuous vision from Production Designer Suzie Davis. Largely a location job for us, but just as challenging as any studio build.
We diligently transformed this gorgeous and previously unfilmed location, Drayton House, over the course of 6 weeks. A super sensitive location. ‘Northamptonshire’s most impressive medieval mansion’. The crown jewel in our location interactions to date. It was a real privilege to be trusted with the care of this unique residence. Pleased to say the owners were as happy the day we left as when we first pulled in.
Amazon Studios United Artists Releasing
Metro-Goldwyn Mayer MRC Film LuckyChap Entertainment
Suzie Davis
Caroline Barclay
Suzie Davies, Production Designer ‘Peterloo’, ‘Saltburn’