Cursed is a 10 part Netflix drama created by Graphic Novel legend Frank Miller and Screenwriter Tom Wheeler that reworks the Arthurian legend, imagining Nimue, the Lady of the Lake at the centre of the story and having her wield the Sword of Power rather than passing it to Arthur.
Netflix Arcanum
Catrin Meredydd
Paul Ghiradini
Clearwell Caves Snowdonia Holywell Bay Deepcut Stowe School Puzzle Wood Llanfair Slate Caverns High Force Falls High Rocks Tretower Castle Brecon Beacons St. Bartholomew's Church
Langley Studios, Slough
Built on a 60,000sqft lot at Deepcut army base near Guidlford
Catrin Meredyyd, Production Designer 'Cursed'
Dewdenn Village- thatched round houses built in intricate detail on the edge of Frensham Pond. Several of the structures had to survive repeated burning for filming a week- long stunt sequence.
Catrin Meredydd, Production Designer